ࡱ> OQNg  bjbjVV 4Br<r<ull8$6["F!!!!!!!$#S&"""F!!V^ @"!P6j !+"0[" x3'm63'"!3'"!""6["3'l : Student NameGradePerson ReportingDeveloped OnFunctional hypothesis statement regarding behavior(s) of concern:Using the information from your functional assessment (e.g., observations, FACTS, һƵ interview, office referrals, etc.), state your hypothesis as to what is currently maintaining the problem behaviors.Desired Behaviors:Please list the pro-social behaviors you would like the һƵ to display that will replace the problem behaviors and meet their needs.Strategies/Accommodations Provided: Please identify the specific people, times, and places where support will be provided. Positive Incentives: List what incentives (preferred activities, time with preferred adult, social time with friends, small items, etc.) the һƵs will earn for displaying the desired behaviors.1.2. Procedures for Managing Inappropriate Behavior:If the һƵ continues to display the problem behaviors, what are the consequences? Please list the specific people responsible for implementing and ensuring the consequences are delivered.1.2.Method of EvaluationHow will intervention results be measured? How often? What tool will be used? By whom?1.2. We agree to the conditions of this plan: StudentGuardianMr. Big Staff MemberTeacherPrincipalCounselor This plan will be reviewed on:      FACTS Individual Behavior Support Plan Part C FACTS Individual Behavior Support Plan Part C  '(567wyzI J K L ^ _ `    y | } ~  翹֬֡֡֝}yh%hGh'vFOJQJh'vF hGCJ hGhGOJQJhGhGh7OJQJhGh7OJQJaJ h'vFCJ hGh'vFCJOJQJaJh76>*]h7h76B*CJ]ph h7CJ h'vFh7OJQJ\ h75\, '(56ysj $IfgdV$Ifwkd$$Ifl4\|x*\ *64 laf4 $Ifgdq$If 67yzI D: $If^>kd4$$Ifl4ux***64 laf4$Ifwkd$$Ifl4\x*$ @ x*64 laf4I J K L _ ` wq3>kd0$$Ifl4x***64 laf4$IfAkd$$Ifl4x***64 laf4ytG $Ifgd'vF>kd$$Ifl4x***64 laf4` MD $Ifgd'vFTkd$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt2I $Ifgd & F$Ifgd'vF>kd$$Ifl4x***64 laf4 $If^  A;$IfTkd$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt2I $Ifgd'vF & F$Ifgd'vFTkdH$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt2I  x y | } }qh $Ifgd'vF $$Ifa$gdG>kd|$$Ifl4x***64 laf4$If>kd($$Ifl4x***64 laf4} ~ NE $IfgdkLTkd:$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4ytG $Ifgd'vFTkd$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt% w z { |  t w x y | } ~ ·֠֜ւwq h_CJ hGh_OJQJh_h_h_OJQJh1 h15\h% h7CJ h7 h75\ hCJ hGhE.OJQJhE.OJQJhOJQJh h'vFCJ hGh'vFOJQJh'vFhG h%CJ hGh%OJQJ+ E< $Ifgd%Tkd$$Ifl460x*0(*64 laf4yt2I $IfgdkL $Ifgd'vFTkd$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt2I $Ifgd $Ifgd'vFTkd$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt2I * v dAkdj$$Ifl4x***64 laf4ytG$IfTkd$$Ifl460x*0(*64 laf4yt2Iv w z { |  [Tkd$$Ifl4A0x*0(*64 laf4yt_ $Ifgd $Ifgd'vF>kd$$Ifl4x***64 laf4 s ^T $If^Akd$$Ifl4x***64 laf4ytG$If^Tkd$$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt_s t w x y | } d[ $IfgdGTkd $$Ifl480x*0(*64 laf4yt_ $Ifgd'vF>kdL $$Ifl4x***64 laf4} ~ aT $If^gd8"Akdz $$Ifl4x***64 laf4ytG $Ifgd8"Tkd $$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4yt_ [Tkd" $$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4ytG $Ifgd $Ifgd'vF>kd $$Ifl4x***64 laf4 ) * 3 < $If$If$If$Ifgd1^Tkd $$Ifl40x*0(*64 laf4ytG  ! ) * 3 ; < = J K U ^ _ ` j l m p ˽ܷձyuyh2Ih2I5CJ$\h2Ih2I5CJ$\h?h_h+jh+Uh'vFh7CJOJQJaJ h7CJ h7CJh756\]ho\h7 h7CJ h75\ h7CJ h1h75CJ \h75CJ \h_h7CJ-< = J K S T ysm$If$If$If$Ifzkd $$Ifl4\Trx*x*64 laf4ytGT U _ ` j k v $$Ifa$$Ifzkd $$Ifl4\Trx*x*64 laf4ytGk l m n o p }t $Ifgd_$IfzkdB $$Ifl4\Trx*x*64 laf4ytG $a$gd2Ipkd $$Ifl0 * 064 la  gd2I$a$gd2I   h7CJh+h_h? h2Ih2I21h:p2I/ =!"#@$@%@@ $$If!vh#v#v\ #v#v:V l4*6,55\ 55/ / 4f4$$If!vh#v$ #v@ #v#vx:V l4*6,5$ 5@ 55x/ / 4f4R$$If!vh#v*:V l4u*6,5*4f4R$$If!vh#v*:V l4*6,5*4f4R$$If!vh#v*:V l4*65*4f4ytGR$$If!vh#v*:V l4*6,5*4f4R$$If!vh#v*:V l4*6,5*4f4n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt2In$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt2In$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt2IR$$If!vh#v*:V l4*6,5*4f4L$$If!vh#v*:V l4*65*4f4n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt%n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4ytGn$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt2In$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l46*6505(/ 4f4yt2In$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt2In$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l46*6505(/ 4f4yt2IX$$If!vh#v*:V l4*6,5*4f4ytGL$$If!vh#v*:V l4*65*4f4n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4A*6505(/ 4f4yt_n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt_X$$If!vh#v*:V l4*6,5*4f4ytGL$$If!vh#v*:V l4*65*4f4n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l48*6505(/ 4f4yt_n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4yt_X$$If!vh#v*:V l4*6,5*4f4ytGL$$If!vh#v*:V l4*65*4f4n$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4ytGn$$If!vh#v0#v(:V l4*6505(/ 4f4ytG$$If!vh#v#v#v#vx:V l4*6,5555x/ / 4f4ytG$$If!vh#v#v#v#vx:V l4*6,5555x/ / 4f4ytG$$If!vh#v#v#v#vx:V l4*6,5555x/ / 4f4ytG$$If!vh#v #v:V l06,5 5/ / 4^ 6866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH >@>  Heading 1$@& 6CJ]N@N  Heading 2$@&56B*CJ\]ph>@>  Heading 3$@& 5CJ\@@@  Heading 4$$@&a$5\DA D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 0>@0 Title$a$CJ 4@4 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !B/!B kLapple-converted-spacePK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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